Knight Abbey Printing


Should You Add Color to Your Envelopes?

July 24, 2024

If there are two envelopes on the counter, one in color and one in plain white, which one will you look at first? The one in color, of course. There are many statistics on the value of color in marketing, including mailing envelopes. But our own experience is often the most powerful evidence of all. We know what a powerful motivator color can be.

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Gear Up Your Marketing Strategy for Summer Success

July 11, 2024

As the temperatures rise and the days grow longer, it’s time to embrace the season of sun, sand, and strategic thinking. While your competitors may be taking a marketing breather during the laid-back days of summer, you don’t have to. Use this time to gain a competitive edge. While your competitors are cooling their heels in the sand, you can revamp your strategies for the months ahead.

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Embracing Print as a Sustainable Marketing Strategy

June 25, 2024

In today’s digital age, where we are used to hearing, “Go paperless! Go green,” print unfairly gets a bad reputation. However, print is a sustainable choice for businesses looking to minimize their environmental impact. Let’s look at some compelling data points that highlight the sustainability of paper.

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Five Key Areas of the Direct Mail Envelope to Captivate Your Audience

June 11, 2024

Pay close attention to the envelope to maximize the impact of your direct mail campaigns. The envelope is your mail’s first impression, and optimizing its design can significantly boost your response rates.

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Want to Be More Sustainable? Embrace Circular Design

May 22, 2024

In recent years, circular design has gained traction in many industries, including printing and packaging. Circular design aims to minimize waste and maximize the lifespan of products by following the principles of reduce, reuse, and recycle. Not only can embracing circular design lead to significant environmental benefits, but it can result in operational efficiencies, too.

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Want to Keep Your Customers Loyal? Do This!

May 9, 2024

Customer loyalty is a powerful driver of business success, so focus on retaining these valuable relationships. By following these four pillars of customer loyalty, you can strengthen your customer bond, increase satisfaction and loyalty, and ultimately, increase revenue growth.

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Got Value? Find It, Market It, Reap the Profits

April 24, 2024

A well-defined business value proposition is crucial for attracting and retaining customers. This proposition communicates a company’s unique benefits and value, setting it apart from competitors.  

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5 Tips for Boosting Your Donor Retention Rate

April 10, 2024

Donors are the lifeblood of your mission, so keep them curious, excited, and invested in what you are doing. Maintain a consistent communication cadence and make donors feel as vital as they are!

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5 Surprising Ways to Market with Packaging

March 27, 2024

Packaging is one of your most essential marketing tools if you sell products on the retail shelf. When buyers decide between two products, labels and packaging can be the deciding factor.

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Creative Gatefolds That Get Attention

March 13, 2024

Want to get your customers’ attention? Incorporate creative folds that add dimension and interest. Gatefolds, in particular, are cost-effective tools that add high interest and engagement to your pieces. Whether you are producing marketing collateral, event invitations, or direct mail, these fun, creative folds can repeatedly engage your audience with your marketing content.

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What’s Drip Marketing and Why Should You Care?

February 21, 2024

A strategy of regular, strategically timed communications can have a powerful influence on shopper behavior. That’s why drip marketing is so important. In a drip marketing campaign, the business sends (drips) regular marketing communications, typically through multiple channels, to move a prospect through the sales funnel over time.

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Email: The Perfect Direct Mail Add-On

February 9, 2024

Want to increase the effectiveness of your direct mail campaigns? Add a branded email with the same design components as the direct mail piece so that they are part of an integrated campaign.

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